Fred & Ferry's gallery space consists of three sections, each dedicated to a specific exhibition within "Winnie-World-Expo". Together, the exhibitions - "Winnie-Expo", "Winnie-World", and "World-Expo" - form a coherent whole.


"Winnie-Expo" features a solo exhibition by Winnie Claessens, "Winnie-World" unveils a cabinet of curiosities with side projects by Claessens and "World-Expo" includes a group exhibition where 11 artists reflect on the theme "World-Expo" by designing pavilions for a fictional world exhibition.

Reflecting on the late 1950s ( and expo '58) , a time of European unity and optimism, this contrasts with today's reality in which technological progress evokes both wonder and fear. The expo 'Winnie-World-Expo' captures this contemporary dialogue in questions, fears and hopes, aiming to bridge the complex reality of today and the promising difficulties and possibilities of the future.


With "World-Expo"-contributions by: Anne Beumer, Winnie Claessens, Kasper De Vos, Gilles Dusong, Fabrice Hofmans, Violette Potet, Arash Shahali, Hannelore Vandepoel, Arne Van De Mierop, Arthur Van de Velde, Wannes Verhees 


OPENING 24/02/2024 13:00 - 18:00