ArtContest (asbl), founded in 2005, is the annual competition in contemporary art that serves as a frame of reference for young artists living or residing in Belgium and up to 35 years old.
The competition, under the inspiring leadership of founder Valerie Boucher who is herself closely involved with up-and-coming talent in the art world, aims to promote the work of young, contemporary artists and provide them with long-term guidance and support.
In addition, ArtContest aims to contribute to the artistic development of young artists partly by promoting reflection on their artistic practice and their position as artists in contemporary society.
ArtContest creates a framework within which artists, especially through intercultural exchange, are encouraged to reflect on the specific role of their commitment to art.
The 10 artists selected for this 2023 edition are:
Adrien Degioanni
Hannah De Corte
Jimena Chavez Delion
Judith Geerts
Juliette Vanwaterloo
Pedram Kargar
Robbert & Frank Frank&Robbert
Stephanie Rizaj
Yuan Yue