Leen Van Tichelen

The oeu­vre of Leen Van Tichelen (°1981, lives and works in Ghent) trans­lates her con­fronta­tion and feel­ing of real­i­ty in a mul­ti­tude of mate­ri­als: paper, wood, con­crete, plas­ter, textile.


In her draw­ings, col­lages, instal­la­tions and work in situ, she has devel­oped a visu­al lan­guage in which both fragili­ty and weight pre­dom­i­nate and often car­ry out an inher­ent dia­logue. In the expres­sive oil paint­ings, the strug­gle with being ​'an sich' predominates.

The cre­ation of the work, being present and that which is not yet encom­passed in form and mat­ter. Deliberate move­ments that are exe­cut­ed with­in a frame that she deter­mines her­self. A repet­i­tive game that is played of adding, remov­ing, stack­ing and con­nect­ing. Multiple com­po­si­tions that are brought togeth­er in the name of a series.

Her work can­not be cap­tured in a sin­gle glance, but is enclosed in a calm­ing of the bat­tle that she is fight­ing herself.