Toon Leën
Zwischen den Bildern (2020)
Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank
Ballenmachine (2019)
Mirthe Klück
No title (2020)
Mirthe Klück
No title (2020)
Antoine Waterkeyn / Helmut Stallaerts
La Marquise sortit à 5 Heures, la Comtesse prit le Train de 8 Heures (2020)
Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank
To break the window of opportunity: Frank and Robbert climb the pole (2014 – 2020)
Zoro Feigl
Hoop (prototype) (2016)
Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank
Series of silkscreenprint: 3D printed artist duo on the Great Wall of China (Hebei Province) (2020)
Liesbeth Henderickx
A constant dropping wears away a stone (2017)