Thé van Bergen's art is a testament to his unyielding commitment to painting. He explores the medium with a daring spirit, embracing change and radical choices in his creative process. 

His work invites deep engagement, rich in evolving motifs, often incomplete, leaving room for personal interpretation. Thé's art emerges from the paint itself, devoid of predetermined emotional or narrative guidance. His paintings, akin to Jean Brusselmans, emphasize the substance of paint with a pronounced graphic quality. Thé's dedication to his craft, regardless of trends or commercial success, is unwavering. His journey is a lifelong pursuit of the wonder of painting, staying 'always in search of the magic.'


For Thé van Bergen, art is not a mere representation; it is an act of imagination and interpretation. His work is a continuous evolution, marked by radical choices and an unyielding spirit that embraces the vitality of change. In the simplicity of Thé's works, there is a disarming and disaffecting quality that captivates the viewer. His paintings are characterized by a pronounced graphic quality and a clarity of line, emphasizing the essence of paint as a substance. Thé's dedication to his craft is unwavering, regardless of trends or commercial success.


Thé van Bergen's artistic journey, which began in the 1960s and continues to this day, is a testament to his enduring pursuit of the wonder of painting. His commitment to stay 'toujours en route,' always in search of the magic, is a testament to his dedication and passion for art.